Monday, 7 March 2016

Boiling the frog

Toxic relationships of any kind can slip under our radar and go unnoticed until we become consumed and suffocated by them. They creep up on you like silent assassins and often take hold of our well-being long before we notice. The same applies to our comfort zone and often we don’t realise how painful a situation is until it’s already too late. It becomes more difficult to change as we have already formed an attachment, so we try to justify the discomfort as being acceptable.

If you were to place a frog in a saucepan of boiling water, it would instantly feel pain and hop straight out. It knows that it’s a harmful environment to be in and takes instant action to survive.

If you were to place a frog in a saucepan of cold water it would feel safe and comfortable. Then turning up the heat slowing would go unnoticed by the creature inside. Eventually the water would reach boiling point and the frog would die without realising the danger.

Often we engulf ourselves in situations, which may suit us initially, but when we out grow them they become more harmful that good. If we are mindful enough to recognise the signs we are the lucky ones, but often we go passed the point of no return and struggle to let go of the poisonous scenario. It would be interesting to look at your own situations and decide at what point you need to change, before the pain becomes unbearable.

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