If you have ever watched a pane of glass on a rainy day
you will realise water doesn’t go in a straight line, it follows the path of
least resistance. If this is true then surely we should follow nature’s path
within everything that we do.
We interact with people and expect some sort of
behaviour from them, assuming that if we encourage and persuade them enough
they will like us and want to engage with us. We strive to profit in some way
from our relationships regardless of how aligned we are.
Alternatively we could take a proactive approach and
behave in such a way to be aligned to them to encourage rapport. This may feel
alien and uncomfortable to us, forcing us to be insincere and unauthentic.
Either way the harder the dynamics of the relationship
the more effort required to win the prize.
Surely the goal is to follow nature and find people that are aligned to
our values and beliefs. Actively find people that aren’t resistant to us will
create the easier successes and stronger relationships.
We naturally gel with some people and have
personality clashes with others. In social setting we can choose more freely,
whom we want to associate with but business scenarios have a different
motivation. But there is no reason why we can adopt similar principles to gain
greater success by honing our efforts on people of least resistance.
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